Friday, April 2, 2010

Last day of interviews! Mia Beach Photography and Sadly Harmless

The Spring Bloomington Handmade Market is tomorrow! We hope that you can make it out to see all of the amazing artists we have! Today is our last day of our interview series, and it's with 2 of the co-organizers of the event. Hope you enjoy it!

Name: Mia Beach
Business Name: Mia Beach Photography
Location: Bloomington

What do you make?
Mainly photographs, but also screenprinted napkins and clothing, lightboxes, mobiles, paintings, jewelry…

How did you learn your art/craft?
I’ve always been playing around with some artsy thing, but my interest in photography started in middle school. I got my first camera when I was 12 and was self-taught until I got my BFA from IU in 2008.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get a lot of inspiration from books, my kids, and wandering in antique stores.

Do you have a "real world" job?
Yes and no- I work for myself, doing commission photography, mainly wedding photos and various kinds of portraits.

Your five favorite things:
Favorites are so hard! I love darkrooms, my family, red wine, tin types, and books.

Who are your favorite artists/crafters?
Francesca Woodman, Lynda Barry, Sally Mann, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Egon Schiele.

Where can we find you?

My wedding photos:

My art:

Stuff for sale:

My Kickstarter Project:
Name: Sally Harless
Business Name: Sadly Harmless
Location: Bloomington, IN
What do you make?
I make ink and watercolor illustrations of animals, as well as illustrated pendants and coffee mugs.

How did you learn your art/craft?
I have been drawing and making stuff ever since I can remember. It has been a strange evolution from making things out of cardboard toilet paper tubes, to copying Sesame Street illustrations, to sewing purses in my front yard, to illustrating for zines. When I got into the BFA program at IU for printmaking, I started to really take my art more seriously and knew that it would be my career. I took drawing classes all the way up to the 400 level, and it helped me tremendously, even though I was drawing naked people and what I do now is pretty far from that!

Where do you get your inspiration from?
Most of my art pieces are autobiographical, so I guess I get inspiration just from the situations that occur in my life, or in the lives of the people I love. Beyond that, I love the idea of anthropomorphism, and I really love animals, so using them in my illustrations just seems natural. The past few years I have developed an intense fascination with sea creatures. They are so mysterious and beautiful, and I get a lot of inspiration by reading about them and watching nature programs.

Do you have a "real world" job?
I am proud to say that making art is my job! It is extremely difficult and there are a lot of highs and lows, but nothing is more rewarding.

Your five favorite things: My dog Ramsey, the people I love, root beer, swimming, narwhals!

Who are your favorite artists/crafters?
My friend and fellow BHM-er, Candice Hartsough McDonald (
Roadside Projects (
Deth P. Sun (
Jen Corace (

Where can we find you?
I also sell stuff at LaLa Gallery in Lafayette, The Makery in Louisville, a few other stores around the country, and I am a member of and sell stuff at Art Hospital here in Bloomington!

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